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The EyeSite Module

The EyeSite Module is Exon's custom built AI camera device that's designed as an attachment module for our Automated Videoing Assistant (AVA) auto-tracking holder. In normal operation, the AVA device requires its host app called 'AVA Hub' to provide it with the position of the tracked subject as a result of a computer vision ML model loaded into the app.

However, EyeSite can perform this same job done by the AVA Hub app. This means that there is no app requirement for AVA to track its subjects (as the EyeSite Module is reporting tracking positions to AVA). This means that any App or any device is effectively gifted with auto-tracking capability. iPads and phones running any app will be gifted auto-tracking as would GoPros, DSLR cameras and other devices as a result of the EyeSite module attachment

Exon AI Ltd
AI technology
Computer Vision: Object Detection
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